Mobile Ecommerce
Alright! After all the buzz the Google officially sung the song of Google Wallet Mobile Payment. We call it Google WalletCommerce. We tested it on Sprint Nexus S 4G and the features are definitely promising for the future Digital eCommerce business. To add on it that it is officially not working with all the Payment gateway applications but we hope it will soon. Thanks to Mastercard joint venture, customers can shop on stores in a blink. Its definitely convenient with a tap qualities. And as more Google is eager to grow means more facilities for you and less time in long queues. Google has truly turned your mobile into your wallet. An important factor is that the way Google used your search terms for business insights don't be surprised if Google start using your spending habits insights for a new generation of business analytic and a new wallet economy. Excited to join the club ? Wait a while and we will be soon seeing it on streets and obviously the implications of it on the online business and plethora of Google applications for businesses using it. Spree of giftcards on your mobile and "ANDROID WEB APPLICATIONS" will see a boost on it ? Let's wait and watch !