Web hosting is one of the very important element of any well performing website. Selection of best web hosting for your wordpress website can can improve a website's performance and increase the user experience to boost the sales on the whole. There are dozens of WordPress hosting providers in different categories be it dedicated, Free, Shared, VPS and even managed WordPress hosting. Today We would like to discuss about some of best WordPress hosting service providers which you may select for your website.
Bluehost is one of the earliest web hosting services begun at 1996. Nowadays they have became one of the biggest brand names in WordPress hosting. They are now official 'wordPress recommended' hosting providers. A publisher never have to afraid of slow website due to traffic. Bluehost also provides free domains as well as a site Builder with high quality design templates.Hostgator
HostGator is serving more than 8 million domains today. They are known as one of the best acknowledged web hosting providers in the business. They offer 1-click WordPress installation with 99.9% up time guarantee along with 365 days 24/7 technical support. For most of the web publishers and eCommerce store owners Hostgator is easy to pick choice.