Nowadays, online marketing is thriving in the world. If you think of developing your business on internet you first will have to build your own business website. For increasing brand awareness and company recognition in the internet world you must have a personal website and personal domain. Enhancing your online business will require your website to have shopping cart with an integrated payment gateway. With the help of open source shopping cart, small business owner can provide the facility to their users to make the payment in their own chosen way. Here are some web development platforms which are used to build the dynamic/e-commerce website such are Joomla website, Magento web design, WordPress web design, Zen cart web design, osCommerce web shop development, X cart web design & web development, Prestashop Web design, Drupal website Development, open cart development.
Joomla website:
Joomla is recognized as the most powerful open source content management system. It facilitates you to build a CMS based website and if you integrate it with VirtueMart, you can very easily build your ecommerce website using Joomla. Joomla also provides the feature of user friendly user panel which facilitates the website owner to manage the website on his own.
Magento web design
Magento is another type of open source web development platform. It has an inbuilt functionality of Content Management System. Magento is capable to web develop the finest ecommerce website and contains multi-browser compatibility.
WordPress web design
WordPress is again the greatest tool to build the business website. WordPress is open source content management source application. The greatest benefit of owning a WordPress is that, Google indexes a WordPress website in extremely short duration and gives high rank to it.
Zen Cart web design
Zen Cart is an online store management system. It has an inbuilt functionality with help of which website owner can manage products, services, price listing, payment etc. on his own. Zen Cart gives easy navigation to online shopping website that can definitely convert your visitors into regular customers.
osCommerce webshop development
osCommerce is popularly known as total web development platform because it permits the website owner to add, edit, delete, update the products, services or content using a user friendly admin panel. osCommerce chains vast range of payment combination system which assists to increase your business internationally.
X-Cart web design web development
X-Cart is an open source web development platform. Websites built using X-cart does not need any dedicated server for it. X-Cart website is created as per W3C standards which assist to build more SEO friendly e-commerce website.
Drupal website Developmen
Drupal is open source web development platform. Drupal helps in developing user friendly CMS based website and also other websites like social networking site, blog, ecommerce website, government corporation website, education institute website etc.
OpenCart web development
OpenCart web development is another platform used to build the ecommerce websites and online shopping websites. OpenCart chains multiple language and multi currency payment integration systems to develop your business worldwide.