Continuing: From the part 1 where we learned about how to optimize online shopping store to gain trust of potential customers fighting frauds for ecommerce business with changes in web preview and loading speed with tips on social media marketing Do’s and Do Not’s. Here you will learn about small changes in your website content, marketing strategies, and security agreements to get your customers’ confidence resulting in higher ecommerce sales.
Transparent PRIVACY POLICY helps you gain trust of potential customers fighting frauds

Customers worry about giving you their private information. You can ensure security of collected information by mentioning it on your privacy policy. Remember to highlight the phrase in your privacy policy and add it to every page you are seeking their information on. Being transparent is the basis of developing a trustworthy relation with your online customers. Answer the following questions to be transparent to your customers in your Privacy Policy:
- Does your online shop require using cookies?
- What are the various ways in which you collect and store customers’ private information?
- Are your registered users allowed to opt in for services and opt out of them?
- Is cancellation of an account possible?
- Is your online shopping store using geo tracking to locate them?
Gain trust of potential customers fighting frauds by raising CONSUMER CONFIDENCE LEVEL of your webstore

Enter your webstore as a consumer and experience how you feel. Your customers must feel safe, confident and enjoy their experience at your webstore. You can measure and track Consumer Confidence using the following techniques:
- Request them to review your website
- Get their testimonials
- Give credit points for giving you an honest feedback
- Allow your visitors to leave comments on your webstore
- Expand your feedback intake through social media marketing and emails
Company Information- About US plays a key role in establishing TRUST

There is a very simple question you should ask yourself: Do you purchase products from an online shopping store which don’t know? Probably not unless you can know them through their about us, contact us, privacy policy, etc. information. Some of the best designed ecommerce stores often skip About US page which is the first exposure of your webstore to your audience. It is the first point of interaction which is essential to you gain trust of potential customers fighting frauds.
In order to you gain trust of potential customers fighting frauds add the following information to your ecommerce store:
- About us page
- Company history (year started, mission, etc.)
- Contact information (phone, email, address, etc.)
- Identity of executives and management team
- Awards
- Licenses (if applicable)
THIRD-PARTY SECURITY addition to gain trust of potential customers fighting frauds

Security plays a very important role in defining your standard as a trustworthy ecommerce story. You can establish your trust level with third party security marks. You can be certified from various top branded antivirus security essentials.Adding a trust seal from various companies like McAfee, Truste, etc. establish a trust in your consumers’ mind and increase ecommerce convertibility. Beware of the cost you invest in these security. Use them only if they are essential and can contribute to your profits.
An ecommerce shopping store must keep in mind the essentials of forming trustworthy relation with their consumers. Proper approach towards your raising your customer’s confidence by optimizing your e-store’s content and pages helps you create a long-term relation.