Hurray! Cyber Monday is close! Online shopping stores are all set to offer their best products with a shiny covering. Ecommerce sales are likely to follow previous year’s trend and hike up by 18 percent. Almost all online shopping stores are offering best deals for the day to increase their ecommerce sales. Though, ecommerce sales increase tremendously on Cyber Monday so do sales returns the day later.While ecommerce sales climbed 18 percent on Cyber Monday 10 percent of total ecommerce sales came back to retailers as sales returns.If you think by hiking up your ecommerce sales on Cyber Monday is enough then you are mistaken. With tough competition and best buy offers, ecommerce sales increase temporarily as considerable number of products, bought on Cyber Monday are returned in the following week. If you are willing to keep up your profits from Cyber Monday ecommerce sales then follow these tips-
We are here to HELP- Highlight benefits received on Cyber Monday

One of most common reasons behind ecommerce sales return after Cyber Monday is retiring customer satisfaction. Online shopping store buyers question their purchase and utility of the product. Since, they are unable to find justified answers they return the product. After understanding customers’ problem, the solution is not far away. You can justify their purchase and lure them into keeping their recently bought product by taking the following steps:
- Offer live chat facility on your ecommerce website for answering their queries immediately.
- Highlight FAQs(frequently asked questions) link on your online shopping store to attend to their difficulties.
- Add content on your ecommerce website about benefits of your product on various pages especially questioning ecommerce sales returns.
- Continue to run a page on the benefits received on best deals of Cyber Monday.
Staff up: Provide consumer delight services with prompt delivery
As ecommerce sales increase on Cyber Monday your normal staff and stock demand raises for a limited time. Top online retailers like Macy’s make sure they serve all their customers timely to cover ecommerce sales return pothole.

On Cyber Monday, almost all the online shopping stores are offering best deals on their products which increases competition by over 200 percent than a normal day. While your ecommerce website attracted and sold your product successfully overcoming major hurdles, ecommerce sales return bump out from the gap in competitive delivery. You can reduce your Cyber Monday ecommerce sales return by delighting your customers with timely delivery of their product without any damages or errors. Related:
How to plan for Holiday Season Sales to increase ecommerce Profits?Pleasing Products Placements

Your online customers are totally dependent on your ecommerce website for viewing and determining the placement and use of your product. Without any physical touch it becomes tougher for them to imagine product’s utility in their everyday life.You can help your customers figure out the best use and appeal to their need for the product using the following tips:
- Highlight your product in different environment with high quality images.
- Show the utilities of your product in everyday life using videos.
- Connect your visitors to your customers who are happy with their purchase.
- Update your product page with good description of not only product’s physical appearance but also its uses.
- Add pictures of your customers and real life uses of your product.
Cyber Monday ecommerce sales form an important role in determining yearly profits of online shopping stores. You can retain high ecommerce sales by updating your FAQ’s, adding content about your page, pleasing your customers by highlighting the benefits they are receiving and providing delightful prompt delivery services despite increased orders. These tips are helpful in retaining your ecommerce sales not for Cyber Monday but in increasing your ecommerce sales in future.