Yes, it is true that you are having the 5 most common ecommerce store problems hacking your profit. Almost every ecommerce store ignore these little pointers which can boost your ecommerce sale by more than 50 percent.
Here are the top 5 problems ecommerce store problems and their solutions:
Ecommerce Store problem 1: Ignorance of other services than sales
Most of ecommerce stores show beautiful product pages but ignore the look and ease of use on returns, services, subscriptions, and such other pages. This results in a faulty impression of the ecommerce store leading to abandoned orders.Ecommerce Store Upgrade: CLEAR content and graphic on all pages
It is time to update your website to a clean ecommerce store which functions smoothly offering easy browsing. Your ecommerce store must have a flow and allow seamless moving from a page to another. It just looks ugly when one page, i.e. your product page is beautifully designed while others carry a different theme. Therefore, make the following updates to your ecommerce store:
- Supply enough information on each page to enable customers to easily browse through it.
- Add appropriate graphics to support functioning of your ecommerce store and increasing ease of use.
- Forward your customers to support page whenever required.
- Direct them to review their experience at your ecommerce store after their purchase.
Ecommerce Store problem 2: Ecommerce store inside search
After all our marketing efforts when we have got potential customers visiting our ecommerce store and returning back empty handed, it is a disappointment. It happens simply because they couldn’t find what they came looking for. This is a hidden problem in most of small and medium ecommerce stores.
Ecommerce Store Upgrade: Add commonly used words supporting technical terms
Update your ecommerce store with natural phrases and synonyms used for your products. You might define the color of a product as auburn but customers will simply prefer using red, reddish-brown, etc. Tips for improvement
- Add simple, commonly used words and phrases in your search.
- Allow searching on the basis of different categories like price bands, color, style, size, brand, etc.
Ecommerce Store problem 3: Plain Presentation
Presenting your products on large brand named ecommerce store like apple, it might be acceptable to try plain designer presentation because of niche products. But in ecommerce store where you are offering more than a few products you must target the right people with customized view.
Ecommerce Store Upgrade: Segment your product and be flexible
Often ecommerce store owners make a mistake of losing flexibility once they segment or categorize their products. The aim of segregating products on the basis of different categories is making it readily available to your ecommerce visitors. Segment and be flexible according to previous browsing data of your customer.Ecommerce Store problem 4: Old is Gold
Not anymore. Please get out of the phase where you expect your customers to adore your ecommerce store for the way it looks for years. That doesn’t happen. Change is the only constant direction to grow and expand business through your ecommerce store.
Ecommerce Store Upgrade: Clean, create and customize
It is important to recreate your ecommerce store’s environment to attain profits. So, keep cleaning and rinsing useless designs and adding new trendy style to your ecommerce store. You must keep changing your ecommerce store and get reviews from your customers.
Ecommerce Store problem 5: No interaction
The issue of neglecting your customer interaction other than selling your goods is still prevailing. Ecommerce experts are explaining the concept of personalization and customization to bring a change. In simple words, if someone walks in a store, buys a product and leaves. The chances of customer coming back are lower as compared to someone who is attended properly. Customers appreciate learning more about the product.
Ecommerce Store Upgrade: Interact strategically
Here is how you can change the experience of your customer:
- Provide real-time analysis and updates
- Give appropriate recommendations
- Clarify every detail of shipping and delivery in simple language
- Offer customer support links.