7 Far-Sighted Ways to Get Backlinks That Actually Increase Traffic

7 Far-Sighted Ways to Get Backlinks That Actually Increase Traffic - GoWebBaby.Com

Fade up of saying the same thing again and again to people that writing great content on website will lead to natural backlinks? It’s really true to some extent, but if you wait for natural backlinks, it will take months or some years to get thousands of visitors for website.

So what is the actual way to get the backlinks in short interval of time? Follow these 7 far-sighted Ways to Get Backlinks That Actually Increase Traffic

1) Write Answers for Questions on Quora

Quora is the best source where people always seeking help. You just have to search the question related to your industry, and you will see thousands of questions available there.

For example, write “ecommerce” in the search box and you will get a lot questions asked on ecommerce industry. Just pick a question that goes well with your blog and give appropriate answer with the link of your blog.


The screenshot will describe you what you exactly need to do, but make sure you give relevant answer with the link else it will hurt your reputation.

2) Help a reporter out

Heart about HARO? Yes of course you do, and in case you don’t know about HARO, let me tell you. HARO is a website at which bloggers and journalists post their queries and anyone can answer them and get a free press.

You would not get a lot of links from this website, but the links you do get will assist drive traffic as this website links to authoritative sites.


To get these links, you just have to spend 30 minutes to an hour on HARO every week.

3) Find broken links going to products or resources

Broken link building is tough unless you focus on the correct type of broken links. Lots of websites and blogs have them, but very rare are ready to fix them.

Your best play is to come across resource pages associated to your field and to hunt for broken links within those pages. I have found that web masters are more probable to fix broken links on resource pages as they tend to make more traffic than general blog posts.

To discover these resource pages and broken links, you can make use of a tool called Broken Link Finder. The tool costs money…but it is worth it.

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If you wind up using the tool, make certain the keywords you insert contain words like “resources” as it will assist you discover the correct type of broken links.

4) Industry forums

Have you ever used forums to build links? If you haven’t, why not? Chances are you are afraid of the Penguin penalty. Assuming you are participating only on relevant forums and aren't spamming them, you shouldn't have much to worry about.

For example, Warrior Forum and a few other marketing forums talk about Quick Sprout. Every time they do, I see an influx of 300 to 700 visitors. It’s not too shabby for just one link.

When responding to questions on forums, use the same principles as you do when responding to questions on Quora: respond to questions and link to your website when it makes sense.

Again, don’t spam these forums. Only respond when it makes sense, and make sure your answer is thorough. When adding a link to your website, avoid using rich anchor text.

5) Link to relevant sites

I know this may sound crazy, but linking to other relevant sites within your own content is a great way to build links.

For example, I recently published a post on competitive auditing that linked to over 20 websites. Before I published the post, I visited each of those websites and grabbed an email address of someone who works there. If I couldn’t find an email address of a specific employee in the marketing department, I looked for an email address on the contact pages of these sites.

Don’t expect people to link back to your website. Some people will do it naturally, but that number will be less than 5%. Roughly 20%-25% of the people you email will tweet out your post. This action will bring more visitors to your website, and a portion of those visitors may end up linking back to you.

6) Round-up posts

Do you know what some of the most popular and linked to posts are on the Internet? Its round-up posts.

If you aren’t familiar with round-up posts, read this one on link building, in which 50 experts share tips on how to build links. That post generated over 383 social shares and 34 backlinks according to Ahrefs. That’s not bad for a round-up post.

How do you go about creating one of these posts? All you have to do is find a bunch of experts in your field and email them asking one question. You don’t want to ask them more than one question as it will drastically decrease your response rate.

You also want to find at least 30 experts as round-up posts that don’t contain a large number of experts don’t do very well.

I recommend making a post with at least 50 experts. When emailing these experts, make sure you give them a deadline to respond by. In addition, make sure you email at least twice the number of experts you need to complete your post as about half of them will not respond.

Once you publish your expert round-up, email each expert with an email like this one:

Similarly to Backlink tip 5, this action will bring you more visitors from the social web. A portion of those visitors may end up linking back to you.

7) Track your competitors’ links

Any backlink tool can tell you who is linking to your competition, but very few of them sort these links by freshness.

Cognitive SEO has a tool that shows you the freshness of these links. In other words, it will show you who recently linked to your competition. All you have to do is select “Fresh Links” within its dashboard.


As you can see, the Cognitive SEO provides a list of the most recently found backlinks.


Creating a good service or product or writing great content does not give assurance that people will link to you. If you wish to build links and, more essentially, generate traffic, you have to be practical.

If you test the strategies I mentioned above, you will come to know that in addition to getting more backlinks (and ultimately more search traffic), you will also see a boost in your referral traffic.

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